
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Moosewood Restaurant's Sweet Potato and Black Bean Burritos

The final product.
I have been struggling with Jude's recent food habits.  He has always been a super eater as is evidenced by his perfectly round cheeks (both high and low).  He would gobble down most anything put in front of him.  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and shallots - mmmmmmmm.  Spinach, apple, lemon and ginger juice - gulp.  Chicken stuffed with garlic goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes - no problem.  Pureed kale and yogurt - more please!  Lately, my man has become more picky.  I have found myself being really invested in whether or not he cleans his plate (or even tries one bite).  I am sure that the build up I have created for myself, and for him, is quite palpable at the table.  I don't blame him for pushing his plate away under my watchful stare.  I guess I have been a little intense.  Ok, maybe more than a little.  I really take pride in feeding my family.  I love being in the kitchen chopping and stirring and creating something for us all to enjoy together.  As much as I try not to take it personally, when Jude refuses to eat I feel like a bad mom/provider.  I also worry...will he wake up starving in the middle of the night?  Will he ever eat anything ever again?  Will his growth be stunted?  Is he going to report me to DSS for underfeeding him?  Will this impact his college options? Then I snap back to reality and realize that a dinner of a roll or apple sauce once in a while (or for 2 straight weeks) is ok. It has to be ok.
When I was planning out this Tuesday's meal, I did have Jude in mind.  The boy loves burritos.  I was hoping he would eat dinner with us, but promised myself I wouldn't be too tied to the outcome. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chicken Paprikash over Spaetzles

I decided to share my Great Grandma's Chicken Paprikash and Spaetzle recipe this week!  Absolutely Autumn worthy!  Hearty with a sour cream base and aromatic with paprika - 2.5 Tbs worth, and last but certainly 1st on my list, very Eastern European.  And hey, I'd be up for a trip to the Czheck Republic right about now - wouldn't you? 

Lizze, my enthusiastic kitchen accomplice, was ready at the helm on this one.  She watched me wash and pan my two 3.5 lb organic chickens with onions, carrots, celery, and garlic cloves.  We started with the roasting of the chickens on Monday.  The recipe below does not include this step, you can totally roast or boil the chicken the day of, but I'm funny about wanting to make my own broth and wanting to skim ALL the fat off and skimming fat is much easier after a nights rest in the refrigerator.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Spicy Turkey Meatballs & Spaghetti

I love Ina Garten.  LOVE her.  I recently received my autographed copy of her new cookbook - Barefoot Contessa how easy is that?  I curled up in bed and started planning some meals.  There were too many things to consider.  Should I make the sausage stuffed mushrooms first or should it be the french toast bread pudding?  Then, I flipped to the recipe for spicy turkey meatballs and knew it would be my next Tuesday Night Swap.  After purchasing more meat than I consumed all summer, I jumped right in.